Nick Guarino

How you can get a new iPad 4 free;
You can use that iPad to...

Turn a few thousand dollars
into millions from the U.S. energy revolution

-- and even Wall Street (angrily) admits it!


One of the most fantastic trading opportunities ever is here and now. The huge bubble oil market, that Wall Street and OPEC manipulated to all-time record highs.

As we speak, the manipulation is coming apart. Even Wall Street quietly admits the bubble is about to burst. The coming crash will make the 1929 stock wipeout look like a Girl Scout picnic on the beach.

You know only too well who these bastards are: the Wall Street/OPEC assholes who screwed the world. The wannabe masters of the universe who wiped out half your wealth -- and are doing their damnedest to take the rest.

Now you can turn the tables on them, sit back and laugh, as their endless greed backfires, and could make a multi-million dollar fortune for you.

(Plus I'll send you a brand-new iPad 4 – absolutely free – just for giving this a try...)


As you may know, we are not short-term traders. In this day and age that's a sucker's game.

Our trades sometimes take one, two even as much as four years to unfold. But it's worth the wait. We shoot for the moon. If a trade doesn't have the potential to make 400%, 500% or more, I won't recommend it to you.

Markets can troll along in La-La land for a long time. The longer the insanity lasts, the more people get sucked in. The more prices get driven into the stratosphere.

Then the inevitable crash comes. In bubble markets like today's, the biggest transfers of money ever take place. Everyday people who know what's coming, have that once-in-a-generation opportunity to make a huge killing.

As we speak, one of the biggest bubble markets ever has exploded in value. Oil. Which means the greatest opportunity imaginable is knocking on our door.

This trade is so hot, you have the very real potential to turn thousands into millions. In a matter of months. With no downside risk other than your small initial investment, which can be as little as a few hundred dollars.

OPEC/Wall Street/banker manipulations drove this key market to the height of insanity. It is trading near its all-time record high.

The fundamentals scream it is about to crash. Yet hucksters, liars and thieves have promoted the shit out of it. They have told the world that this vast bubble -– already one of the biggest balloon in history -– is somehow going to keep swelling without end, so you better buy now!

Sadly, the public has bought into this b.s. en masse. Wall Street & Friends have fooled the most people ever. And now, just like in the tech wreck... just like in the housing wipeout... it's time to harvest the suckers' money.

Usually we look to make $100,000 from a $10,000 trade. To put it bluntly, in this case the numbers are one hell of a lot better.

Take the conservative approach. Invest a few thousand dollars in this trade.

You aren't looking at making a 'mere' hundred thousand dollars. You are aiming to make millions. See the Potential Profit Calculator later in this report.

Yes, you read that right. This trade could potentially turn mere thousands into millions for you -– in a year or less.

I know that's an extraordinary claim. But as you will see in this report, I can back it up with facts and figures.

Actually, all the trade has to do is go back to its long-term, historic price. (I think that's a sure thing.) Starting with a few thousand dollars, you could become a multi-millionaire. Again, you'll see proof of this a bit later in this report.

Normally that kind of return is impossible. But we live in extraordinary times. The world has never faced more peril.

Dead-broke governments are defaulting right and left. In desperation, they gave dead-broke bankers and insiders trillions of dollars. This was damn-near interest-free BORROWED money, that was supposed to grow the economy.

But the banks did NOT loan that money out to businesses or individuals. They did NOT stimulate the economy.

Instead, the bankers and Wall Street insiders used it to manipulate this oil market (plus others). They have created one of the greatest bubbles the world has ever seen. Now this bubble is about to burst. We can greatly leverage it, while keeping our risk so low it's laughable.

You see why I feel you have to make this million dollar money-making trade now!

Look, the financial world is collapsing. Banks are wiping out. So are funds. Financial institutions. States and even entire countries.

The bubbles they blew up are about to burst. They will shake the world to its very foundations.

Before this is over, two kinds of people will be left. One, the vast majority of people. Devastated. Impoverished. Their money wiped out. Their freedoms stolen by tyrants who have already started to rise out of the ashes.

And two, the lucky few. Those who figured out things ahead of time. Who took the simple steps they needed, to be among the very, very few big winners. Rich, with enough money to bring themselves power and freedom.

I am offering you nothing other than a chance to escape this global disaster. On your terms. You know it's coming. This is your last chance to save yourself and your family from the wipeout that is circling the entire planet as we speak.

Warning! Failure to heed my words will cost you everything. But if you listen to me -- if you follow my continuing guidance -- you could become wealthier than you could ever imagine.

Things are that desperate. Desperate times bring great opportunities. That is the sad fact of life.

My friend, I know deep in your soul you feel this. I know you sense disaster is right around the corner. You can see that evil men are seizing power in countries around the globe.

More and more people are losing everything. The biggest number of Americans are becoming impoverished since the civil war: according to the U.S. Dept of Labor, nearly 90 million adult Americans have no job.

The great experiment with freedom and democracy is coming to an end. I beg you, don't turn into one of the victims.

Obama won reelection. He is about to wage no-holds-barred class warfare, on you and your lifestyle. That's what his supporters elected him to do. He is more than happy to oblige.

In fact, he's already started. Right in the middle of a recession, he is raising taxes! The worst thing possible, if he really wants the economy to rebound.

You can do one of two things. The first is to head into this disaster blindfolded, clueless, with no money. Do that, and you guarantee you basically become a slave of the state.

Or you can buy your way out of it, with knowledge and lots of money. With eyes wide open, cashing in at every turn of the way.

That's the one thing that can save you. Lots of cold hard cash. It can give you the resources you need to make yourself immune to the socialist changes that are coming to America.

Do nothing and it's the poor house. Choose wisely, make the right moves, and it's millionaires' row. That has never been more important.

I promise, you will regret it the rest of your life -- if you do not take advantage of this multi-million dollar opportunity I am offering you. It gives you the chance to take a few thousand dollars and turn that into millions. Simply by trading the U.S. energy revolution, that even OPEC admits is here and now.

In fact, I'm so sure of this, I'm giving you a risk-free way to get in on this trading bonanza.

I expect this trade to unfold in the next 3 to 12 months. That is when the next phase of the global disaster will take hold.

So give me a year. Either you make the millions I'm talking about, or the information and constant guidance I give you don't cost you one red cent.

What's more, I'll send you a brand new iPad 4, absolutely free. I myself own an iPad: I love it. You can connect to our website with it, or use it anyway you like. It's yours free, just for giving us a try.

So to quickly sum up, you get a trade that could turn thousands into millions.

Your risk is strictly limited: you can never lose more than your small initial investment. If for any reason things don't work out, the information, recommendations and analysis are free: you get all your subscription money back.

Plus you get a free iPad 4 -- new, in the box -- when you join with us. It's yours to keep, no matter what.

That said, let me tell you about the trade itself -- and show you how it could make you a fortune several times over...

Bank of America admits
OPEC's fatal error could turn YOU into a multi-millionaire

OPEC/banker manipulations drove oil prices up 20 times in value. Now they are about to crash back to earth. The fundamentals alone guarantee nothing can stop this.

Demand for oil is collapsing in the global depression. At the same time, thanks to new developments in the U.S., oil supplies are soaring through the roof.

The world's top energy watchdog is the IEA. (International Energy Agency.) The IEA just shocked the world, by admitting what I've told you for years: due to the new revolution in oil production –- known as fracking -- the U.S. will soon become the #1 oil producer on earth. U.S. production is about to swamp all other nations combined.

Look out OPEC. The Yanks are coming!

Fact is, our oil shale fields contain over 20 times more oil than total Saudi reserves. That alone means world oil supplies will soar by over ten times. Oil will become about as common as dirt. It will be cheaper than bottled water.

What's more, the oil manipulators themselves are broke. Banker bailouts are over. Wall Streeters have lost so much in the derivatives casino, they are having their power and water cut off. And OPEC is losing the battle to keep its restless, oppressed majorities in line.

i.e. the Big Boys have run out of money to keep the oil bubble blown up. Just like several years ago they ran out of money to keep the real estate bubble blown up. You saw what happened when that bubble burst.

Bottom line: crude oil prices are about to go back to their long-term fair market value. Nominal value under $5 a barrel. You can see this on the blue line in the chart below.

Oil is about to go back to its historic price of $5 a barrel

One trade in particular is set to make spectacular profits for you. It goes up as oil prices fall. It also gives you 3x leverage.

When oil was at $50 a barrel, this instrument traded for around $450 per share. As I write this, you can buy in for around $8. Not if but when oil goes back to just $50, this grand slam home run trade could make you 50 times your money.

But I think oil will blow through $50, like a plane crashing to earth blows through a cloud. It will settle at its historic price of around $5. With the leverage my trade reco gives you, you could become a millionaire several times over, turning thousands into millions.

(Want proof? See our Oil trade Potential Profit Calculator, later in this report.)

Since you are buying a special swap instrument (similar to a share of stock), you never risk more than your initial investment. As little as a hundred dollars. You never face margin calls, options, or expiration dates.

You simply sit back and watch as the oil price collapses, and your profits mount higher and higher.

I think in the worst-case scenario, you make at least 50 times your money. That's if Bank America is right, and oil somehow stops its plunge at $50.

Most likely scenario, oil goes back to its long-term, fair-market value. A thousand dollar investment then makes you a multi-millionaire. See the chart below for the historical proof behind this.

When oil goes back to $50 a barrel, this trade could make you 50x your money
When oil goes to $5, you could make millions.

Five times since 1972, OPEC has sold the world a big lie. A fairy tale that we were running out of oil. Each time, that lie ended up biting them in the ass.

The coming oil bust will be the biggest collapse of all. Because this time OPEC and Wall Street went too far. They rigged oil prices too high, for too long. They planted the seeds of their own destruction.

They made the new fracking oil technology I told you about economically feasible. Now it is spreading to countries around the world. It has already started the greatest oil supply boom of all time.

The backlash will bankrupt OPEC -- and could easily make you a multi-million dollar profit.

How you can get rich making this
grand slam home run trade

You are reading about one of the most powerful potential money-making recommendations I have ever given. I sincerely believe you could turn thousands into millions.

I know, I know. You have heard that before. It's impossible.

Not so. I'll prove it to you now.

In this section I have built an Oil Trade Potential Profit Calculator. It is based on historic values of the trade itself. i.e. actual performance, in the market, where the rubber hits the road.

You can see the profits are not only possible. They have been made before. Not that long ago, in this exact trade. They will be made again, starting with as little as one thousand dollars.

Here it is ...


Oil trade Potential Profit Calculator
(based on actual prices of the trade)

If you invest today... $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00
Your profits at:
$50/barrel oil (2009 price)
$50,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00
$25/barrel $150,000.00 $750,000.00 $1.5 million
$10/barrel $750,000.00 $2.25 million $4.5 million
$5/barrel (fair market value) $2.25 million $6.75 million $13.5 million


You can see that if the market just makes modest moves, you could make a huge killing.

e.g. $50 a barrel oil could turn $1000 into $50,000 -- if you make the trade I am recommending.

To do this, all oil must do is go back to level it was at a few years ago. Even BA admits oil will fall to that price.

And if the market falls to its long-term historic trend prices, you could become very rich indeed.

(Please note, I think there's no way oil can't go back to its historic prices. Supply/demand forces are too strong, and the manipulations have failed.)

With this trade, you never face a margin call. There are no futures or options. No time constraints. No expiration dates.

You simply buy this baby, sit back, and wait for reality to return to the market. In my opinion, you won't have to wait long.

Then comes the cool part. If we are right, you could cash in big-time. You could have the biggest payday of your life.

Here's how you can get in on this. Subscribe to my Wall Street Insiders VIP service. I will instantly send you all the information you need to get in on this specific trade. What to buy. When, at which price.

And of course, when to get out, to make the most profits.

The WSI is the only market information service I know of designed to reveal to average investors the secret trading opportunities known only to Wall Street insiders.

It comes to you by Internet, email, fax and even SMS messages if you like. You get my best recommendations, analysis and hot news updates, literally in nano-seconds.

My goal is show the little guy how Wall Street and the big money boys set up the “retail” public for a fleecing -- and to teach ordinary investors how to use Wall Street’s own trading secrets against them. This trade is a great example of that.

Of course, my Wall Street Insiders isn’t for everyone. For one thing, a one-year subscription is $5,000. No discounts.

I realize that for many people today, that is a lot of money. But this oil trade alone could make you hundreds of times that -- if and when we are right.

If you have some speculative capital you can afford to risk -- say, $5,000 to $10,000 -- then the Wall Street Insiders could well be one of the best investments you ever make. Truly.

Perfect for people with only
a few thousand dollars to invest

I get lots of emails from people who have been hurt bad in this economic wipeout.

They lost money when the housing market collapsed. Their pension funds have taken permanent hits. So have their mutual funds.

And because of the global recession, their jobs and businesses are just not what they used to be.

They ask what someone with thousands of dollars to invest could do. Until now I had nothing to offer them. No low-risk investment, that could make really big life-changing profits for them, and do so in reasonably short time.

So you can imagine how ecstatic I am to report the great news to you. You can choose a market that even Wall Street admits is about to crash... invest a thousand dollars... and potentially walk home with a million dollars or more.

Usually to make profits like that, a market must go to new record highs or lows. Not this time. All oil has to do is return to its long-time historic trend line.

You simply sit back and wait for what I think will be your biggest payday ever.

I regard this as one of the most incredible money-making opportunities I've ever seen. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, to turn the tables on the assholes who have done such damage to our nation. To our world.

Another thing. This comes from my heart. It's very common for people to say, “let me wait and see what happens. Then I'll get in on the trade.”


You must realize, oil will not go down in stages. It will crash, most likely in weeks at most. Just like it has in the past.

Remember the last oil collapse, from $140 a barrel to $40? You gotta be there ahead of time, waiting on the moves. Otherwise they will pass you by.

Once we get this next wipeout, the party's over. The market will crash, go down, and stay down for generations.

You will have no chance to catch another move. You will have no more opportunities to make money from the markets.

So this is it. Now or never. All or nothing. You decide.

If you pass this up, imagine how you will feel when the shale oil/fracking boom brings oil to market like never seen before, and oil prices crumble -–

–- but you are not there to make the millions this great trade would have given you.

I urge you to call now. Subscribe to my WSI, by calling us at toll-free 1-866-924-0607 (overseas subscribers call 1-913-871-0701), or clicking on the order tab below.

You'll get my Grand Slam trading package. It gives you all the information you need to get in on this oil trade.

You'll also get instant 24 hour a day access to my WSI premium website. You get other great trading reco's, constant updates, market news, and commentaries about what's really going on. Subscribers say they've never seen anything like it.

Plus we will send you your new iPad 4 -– my Christmas gift to you -– at once.

If you want a realistic shot at turning thousands into millions... and only risking your initial investment, in the greatest risk to reward trade I've ever seen... call me right away at 1-913-871-0701 or toll-free 1-866-924-0607.

But whatever you do, don’t wait. This opportunity will not last long.


Nick Guarino